Personal-Use HTML & CSS CheatSheet

by: JustBaseIt

This is my first attempt at making a generic CheatSheet for HTML & CSS, with my goal to have a hyperlinked, and navigable table, with interactive CSS implementation.


HTML Code Syntax Example Expected Output
Document declaration <!DOCTYPE html> No Output
Document wrapper <html>page elements and content</html>
No Page-Related Output
Reference/link container <head>link, title, SEO tags and metadata go here.<head>
No Output
Main Page wrapper <body>Container, text, and media tags go here.</body> Container, text, and media tags go here.
To add a paragraph <p> content </p> content


CSS Code Syntax Example Expected Output
Class assignment to change text color to white and background to black. .ex1 {color: white; background-color: black;} This span element was given the class of "ex1."